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Life Is Weird, So Am I!! Episode 3: Hidden Genius Uncovered

Writer's picture: Jeevan PranayJeevan Pranay

"Did you hear about that?? There's a new guy in the science section who's a super genius!!" "Yeah, I heard he's super good!! And he looks hot too!!" That's what I've been hearing ever since I had a new kid in my class. It took me three days to notice his addition to the class, but he got popular ever since he joined our class. Not that it is important. But his popularity didn't stop with just our class. "What's that kid's name again?? The one who is a genius?" Maya asked me while we were in the library. "I don't know. I didn't really pay any attention to that guy." "Dude, he's in your class, he's supposed to be your classmate!!" Sebastian really seemed to be shocked at how ignorant I can be. "That doesn't bother me. I don't have to worry about some random guy just because he's in my class. I worry about myself and you all because you're my friends." "Now that's some change we're seeing in you, Jin. Finally! Is your faith restored in friendship?" Maya asked. "Yes." "I've also seen him talk to a few of his classmates. Intact, they seem to like him. Except he becomes as rigid as a stone while talking." Ashok explained. "Is that so?? Then why can't you do the same with the new genius??" Sebastian really seems excited to meet that guy. "You can at least learn something from him. He's a genius and you are? Exams are due next week. Better prepare." Megha added. "Oh right. I forgot about the exams completely. I better start preparing for them as Megha said." I joined in. "So we are all not going to meet until the exams are done then?" Maya seemed a bit disappointed, but she realised that the exams take priority. "Yes. And I better work hard this time!" Sebastian added. I left the library without a word. It's been a month since we all became friends. We learnt a lot about one another. Likes, dislikes, our attitudes, our tastes. Well, of course, I took time to mingle in, so they did not know much about me. Even now, I only speak them freely. I've changed a bit since they all became my friends. I speak to everyone now, but it seems like I freeze up when I talk to others. I'm working on that for now. I knew all about them. They only knew a little about me. So I don't blame them for asking me to prepare for the upcoming exams. All of them were scorers. Always distinction. Ashok was super competitive and would never let anyone overtake him. Maya is carefree, but she still manages to beat Ashok. Megha is a decent one, a well-balanced person. Sebastian, well, he's different. Avid reader hates to by-heart. Always waiting to meet someone better than him so he can learn something from them. A week passed. I went to the library that whole week and studied in the library. I'll be honest. All I did was go through the pages of the textbook. Exam time. Everyone seemed tense. I went and met them in their block itself and wished them good luck. "How are you so calm? Aren't you afraid of the test?" Megha asked. "Well, it's probably because he didn't study anything and he knows he'll fail," Ashok added in. "Oh, c'mon guys. Cut it already. I'm sure he has studied, and something tells me he's not what we think he is. At least in the academics." Maya cut short Ashok. "Well then, I'll get going. You all do good. We'll meet in the library after all our exams are done." We finished all our exams. Time sure flies. We felt like the exams got over quickly because maybe we were all focused. It wasn't long before everyone again started meeting in the library. "Why don't you read some textbooks and not stupid autobiographies? Really, autobiographies are to be read but not by ignoring your college material. Geez, are you even listening?? Jin??" Maya shook me by my hand and I came back to this world. "Were you saying.... something?" I asked her. "As expected." She snatched the autobiography from my hand and kept it back into its respective place, and handed over the latest copy for the newly revised chemistry textbook: "You should be reading this. You can read all the autobiographies later at leisure if you PASS your exams. If you fail, you're only gonna have to repeat reading these textbooks." That was a huge stress on the word 'pass'. I didn't react. "You're right. I'll do as you say, Senora!" I added, teasing her. She blushed but realised everyone was seeing her and added: "Studies are just as important as your hobbies, Jin." Just then, some girls walked in saying: "Did you see the results? It seems someone beat that genius in the written test. Who knew we had someone who actually is more knowledgeable than Oliver!!" "So Oliver is his name, huh!" Megha seemed happy about something. "Imported product, is it?" I added sarcastically. "Most importantly, we need to check who beat that guy. C'mon, let's go see the results Jin!" Maya again took my hand and pulled me along with her, but I somehow slipped through her clutches and said: "You guys check the results and wait for me at the restaurant. I'll join you once I finish the autobiography that our dear Maya shoved back into the shelf." "You never change, do you?" Megha said. She did seem disappointed. So did Maya. Maybe they both expected me to come along with them. Not willing to hurt them, I said: "Fine, I'll come. But I'll head straight to the restaurant with the two girls. Meanwhile, the lads can take a check at the result sheet." "I'll actually go check the result sheet!" Maya said. It was clear that she wanted to be alone with me. When I said I'd go with both of them, she opted out. But Megha seemed happy. She was a bit sad about having Maya tag along, but when she opted out, her face cheered up immediately. "That's... your wish I guess..." I told Maya. She looked at me, her eyes filled with disappointment, and said: "You're such a big dummy." Sebastian and Ashok looked at me in the same way, as though calling me a dummy. After half an hour they all came. Meanwhile, Megha enjoyed her time with me. So it seems that way because she was smiling like crazy. Just before they came, Megha asked me: "Do you.... umm... like someone?" with a cute blush on her face. "N-no..." I replied. But obviously, that was a lie. I like Maya. "Oh... okay." Megha actually felt relieved rather than being disappointed. I was relieved too. "There they come!" I nudge Megha towards the entering folks. They all seemed surprised and looked at me like I was an alien. "So what's with your results guys??" I asked them. "First is Maya, second is Ashok, third is Megha and I'm fourth" Sebastian answered. "Congratulations!!" I said. "More importantly-" Maya cut in. "The one who beat that imported product is you!" She seemed surprised, happy and mad at me all at the same time. She showed a pic of the result sheet she had taken on her phone. "198/200. Jeevan. First rank." She read out loud. "Congratulations!!!" The three of them wished me, but Maya didn't. "Why didn't you tell us you were so good??" She asked me, her face too close to me, that I could feel her breath. "Um... I didn't see a point in self-publication. " I said. "Well, I get to learn a lot of from you then!! And since you're my friend, ill be able to spend a lot of time with you!!" Sebastian seemed to be in his own world. "Truth is, I have a photographic memory. Anything I read stays in my mind. All I have to do is read it with interest. So, I really didn't study for this exam. All I did was read the textbook with interest. Plus, I don't by heart. I understand the logic, the core and the concept of anything I'm reading. The two marks there must be lost in problem-solving, which I'm terribly weak at." "Wow, you're so cool!!" Megha really seemed mind blown. Just then, we had another visitor: Oliver. "You've been asked to meet the Principal tomorrow." He said, and left, giving me a cold state as though I forcibly stole his spotlight. "That was blunt!" Sebastian said. "And cold too." Ashok added. "Guess I have an appointment with the Head then. Better be prepared for anything." I said. We all left home. All the way home, Maya stuck close to me, holding me by my arm. The next day, I made it to the Principal's chamber. It seemed like he was waiting for, as he seemed pleasantly surprised by my early visit. "Well, if it isn't our new genius Mr Jeevan!" "Goodmorning sir." "Goodmorning. Look at your papers! Such amazing answers! How do you write so?" "Sir it's important to understand the concepts rather than to by-heart something blindly. I feel it's more productive to have more practical and applicational knowledge rather than theory. The theory is required, true, only to the extent it should be needed." I felt like I spoke too much. "Indeed. I totally agree with you." He checks his watch and, "It's almost time for your classes to start, better make it there in time, Mr Jeevan!!" "Yes sir!" Classes got over and I went to the library. None of my friends were there. So I sat there reading a book and waiting for them. I heard a few footsteps after a while and I thought it must be them. But I was in for a surprise. Two girls (I didn't know them) came over and suddenly started asking questions. "Do you really not byheart? At all?" "Umm. No, I don't. I just visualise the concepts in my head so I remember them clearly...." I replied. "And you two-" my question was cut short by another girl. "You speak so fluently. Your talk with the Principal was amazing." "You heard it??" "The whole college did." She replied. I realised it must have been broadcasted on the college speakers. By this time, those guys had arrived. They stood a few tables away from me, Maya and Megha pouting. Megha seemed to be patient enough to wait for me to end my conversation, but Maya couldn't stand it. She barged in, cut short the two girls' questions and dragged me out of there. "Wait!! We aren't done asking him!!" They started to run after us, but the three managed to stop them. "Oh, forget it. He won't answer you anymore. He's mine!!!" Maya shouted back, still dragging me, while I kept saying it wouldn't be good to leave them unanswered. With those three holding those girls off, and Maya taking me away from them, she finally got what she needed: some alone time with me. She looked starlight into my eyes, with her tear-filled eyes, and said: "Aren't I special to you?" She looked super cute with those sparkly eyes. I took her by her cheeks, wiping her tears off with my thumb, stared right back into her eyes and replied: "It's because you're so special to me, it's fun to tease you and see you so jealous of other girls talking to me!" The way she blushed at this made my heart skip a beat. Suddenly, she pulled herself into a tight hug again. And I reciprocated. "You're a big dummy. And you're mine!" "Fine!" After a few minutes, we realised diverging could see us and hurriedly jumped away from each other. Luckily, we were alone. As we started to recover from the awkwardness, the three came downstairs. "Done with the talk?" Ashok asked. "More like a one-sided lecture. Yeah, that's done." I had my sarcasm ready. Maya giggled and gave me a nudge of approval. "L-l-lets get going... " Megha fumbled. She didn't really like seeing Maya and me together. We left. As usual, Maya took my hand and this time, I wanted her to take my hand too. I was kinda happy. We went home, and along the way, everyone just had to praise my hidden genius.

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