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Life Is Weird, So Am I!! Episode 10: Last Man Standing

Writer's picture: Jeevan PranayJeevan Pranay

It's time...... TO UNLEASH THE DEMON!!" I had to. I usually run away from that side of me. I find it hard that I am that cruel creature. Suddenly, my eyes turned red. Veins popped out and were clearly visible. My brows sunk. My canine and incisor teeth started showing prominently. Beat up from the previous brawl, he growled in a low voice: "It's as if you're born a demon... Heh. Look at yourself!" "Sorry pal, but I've accepted this as me too!" I said, breaking a smile. At a point in time, I couldn't believe I had this side. This side, that is totally demonic and ruthless. I ran, as far away as I could from it, but in the end, it always came back to me. So finally one day, I accepted the truth. This demon is a part of me. This demon is ME. I waste a lot of time. With the terrifying speed and power, this demonic transformation gives me, I easily sped through the room towards him. It was another intense brawl. He blocked my first attack, but the jab went through. "Ughh!" He groaned in pain. He tried to punch me back, and somehow managed to get behind my back and tried to do the neck lock, but I slipped through. All I had to do is elbow jab him in the stomach. "You forget, Venom. This demonic transformation gives me superhuman strength." He barely had any energy to move. I approached him, slowly opened the Vail containing the R.A.I.N genome. The fumes started coming out. Lost of breath, he was gasping, and along with the oxygen he craved for so badly, he inhaled the fumes. More than what's required to neutralise the Void Genome, but that's fine. Excess of it will just exit the body via excretion processes. "Mission accomplished!" I said as I walked back. One catch. This demonic transformation puts enormous stress on my body, so when I become normal again, I collapse under the stress it puts on my muscles and veins. Somehow I managed to reach the staff room. But one step further and I'd collapse. Noticing this, Maya came to my aid in the nick of time. As I said, life is weird. One weird hunt just ends and there's always another weird thing in store. A man, talk, probably around the age of 50, and by his dressing, I could tell he was a doctor, was standing near the door. "Ah! If it isn't Mr Jeevan!" He exclaimed. But..... I couldn't recognise him. And seemed to have understood that. "It's been so long, I wouldn't blame you for not recognising me." A short pause. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Dr Sakaki. I used to be a visiting faculty to your school. I used to teach Biology." "Right... ! And not only biology, you also were in charge of my rehabilitation, after I first showed the demonic side... " Even though I had said that I had accepted that side, truth is, I still find it hard to accept it. "That's what I'm here to talk about!" Dr Sakaki said. I was confused. Dr Sakaki proceeded to pull out a few newspaper cuttings and gave them to me. "Aires Mutation Effect" read the title. "Exactly. The Aires Mutation Effect. You underwent this mutation at your birth." I was totally in shock. But now, at least I could finally accept it. "It's me," I said. Dr Sakaki seems to have understood. "Yes, it's you. Seems like you finally accepted it to be a part of you. To be 'You'. I wanted to talk to you about this. But you already realised you can transform. More like a boost rather than transform but anyways, you are the only one out of the 18 registered Aires Virus bearers who can control the transformation." "Yeah. Ever since I first transformed during the school days, I've been working on it. I can finally control when I transform and when I can come back to normal." "That's great progress Jin. But these others, and before that, when you first transformed, I had you registered to that list. Sorry for doing it without intimating you. But since you haven't caused any problems by running rampant after that one time in school, you're good to go. Back to the point. The others who transform go on a wild rampage, and forget they transformed after waking up from collapsing." Dr Sakaki told. "Yes, it puts an enormous strain on the muscles and veins, as the transformation enhances both physical strength and mental ability to the maximum." "Exactly!" Dr Sakaki replied. That's when I realised I was leaning on Maya ever since she caught me as I was about to collapse. I stood straight. Turned towards her. She gave me the cutest look I've ever seen her give me. As expected, I pinched her cheek and said "Thanks!" "That's a nice young lady! Who might she be?" The Dr. inquired. "She's Maya! Judging that you asked, you probably know the relationship between us. She's the only one to accept me the way I am." I replied. "Wonderful!" He turned towards Maya and said: "You will take care of him, won't you?" "This idiot will die if I'm not beside him, so yes Doctor, I will take of this idiot." "Well said!" All of us laughed. Maya took me by hand and learned onto my shoulder. We all sat down, finally, after what seemed like ages of standing. My legs were killing me. I started to go through the paper cuttings the doctor gave me. "The Aires Virus huh...! Doctor, can you tell me more about the Virus?" He sighed. "That's what I'm here for! By the by, congratulations on your new genome!" "But how do you know?" I asked him. "Because I'm the head of Biotechnology and Drug Development Division." "But I never sent it for approval. And it's not worth it too. It's caused so many problems." Maya pinched me hard. "Never say that again. I told you. Your intentions are all that matters. The evil will always use it for the bad!" "Right.." "You did not send it. Yes. But the teacher who caused this problem by taking it to prove your genius sent it to me. She wrote a report to me and I considered." Dr Sakaki filled me in on everything. "I'm grateful to her.." I said. A short pause. "The Aires Virus huh..." I sighed again. "My life is too weird for me to handle." Everyone just took a small break before the Dr. could elaborate on the virus.

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