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#3: Crisis Of A Man From The Future!

Writer: Jeevan PranayJeevan Pranay

It was quite a shock seeing both of them coming over for dinner.

"Great! How are we going to cover up?"[Future J: slightly tensed]

"Let's lie for now. Once we're done with dinner, Let's tell them the truth."[J]

That was one tense dinner. Me and my future self kept darting looks across the table hoping one of us came up with an idea to evade telling those two about the problem. But somewhere deep down, I wanted Cat and Fuuta to join too.

Finally, we finished dinner. We managed to convince the other two that my future self was a friend of mine, but Cat knew something was off. There isn't a friend of mine whom she doesn't know.

"Okay! Time to spill the beans! You both look so alike it's hard to believe he's just a 'friend'!"[Cat: as soon as we closed the room door]

I looked at him. He proceeded to explain everything, about why he came to the past, twice actually, and about Esper.

"There is a company called Esper Inc. And this Esper AI we spoke about, is the CEO. That's how advanced things are in the future. An AI is the CEO of a comapny. Esper Inc is a biotechnological company, mostly into pharmacogenetics. Managing and developing antivenoms for potentially fatal poisons, drug manufacturing and vaccine development. They came out with an immunity booster which does not require any medical prescription of any sort, so people took to the product. Esper Inc is one of the leading and successful pharmacogenetics company, and their immunity booster was a huge success. But after a month of the boosters' administration, kids suddenly became prodigies. Dull and lazy students suddenly showed excellent academic development, excelled in every field imaginable. After a while, these kids fall prey to this pandemic we call 'Induced AI Syndrome'. In short, the human brain is completely overridden by the AI."[Future J: explaining]

"That's awful!"[Cat: almost crying]

"I came back to the past once. In fact, J and I created Esper. The same pandemic took place in my super future. {Super future is the future of the person from the past. It is a purely fictional concept} Esper was created to combat the other AI which was causing the same pandemic, but even Esper was corrupted by the previous AI's data matrix and now, Esper is causing problems."[Future J: further explaining]

"Which means, even this device used to travel back was created by you two?"[Fuuta: questioning]

"It's called a Timelapse device. Seems like my future self and his future self created this."[J: almost lost in the web of time travel]

"In short, you messed up saving the future once, so you're giving it another shot?"[Cat]

"Exactly!"[J and Future J: at a time]

"So how do we correct this?"[Fuuta: asking Future J]

"Aren't these the blueprints for Esper?"[Fuuta: holding up the blueprints]

"So, if we make sure the AI we create this time doesn't get corrupted, it can combat Esper right?"[Cat: relieved that the problem was solved]

By the time everyone was discussing our future course of action, I looked upon the internet if it was able for an AI to corrupt a human brain. And as we had suspected, it was possible via genetic modification. The process was called 'Cerebral Re-mapping'.

Cerebral Re-mapping is a treatment for mentally retarded children. Their genetic code is re-written by sending properly coded cerebral data in the form of electrical signals and thus, their disease is cured. Any disease pertaining to the cerebrum and its function could be cured using Cerebral Re-mapping.

I showed everyone this article I found on the web to everyone.

"Guys, look at the last paragraph. It says the treatment must be done before the child can turn 10 years old!"[Cat: pointing out an important point]

We all turned to my future self.

"Unfortunately, everyone who took the immunity booster was 15 years or older."[Future J: seeming down because a new problem arose]

"Then it's a catalyst."[J: exclaiming as though making a discovery]

"What do you mean?"[Future J: lost]

"The immunity booster is a catalyst. Esper is travelling to the past and corrupting foetuses. It is administering its data to the child when it's still in the mother's womb. Look, you said that the children of the company's workers were affected first right?"[J: turning towards Future J]

"Yes."[Future J: ascertaining the truth of the sentence]

"Just look, the affected childrens' parents are either software engineers exposed to high data manipulation and chemical engineers. It's easy to send data in the form of radiation or a drug to affect the foetus. We are talking about undifferentiated cells! They can be easily manipulated at the genetic level."[J: a seemingly agreeable solution to how kids were being affected]

"Which means that the immunity booster is a catalyst, a bio-catalyst in fact, which is triggering the modified genome to start showing the effects?"[Fuuta: giving another valid explanation]

"Might be. We can only decipher this mystery if we can answer these three questions. One: how is Esper travelling back and forth in time? Two: how exactly is it affecting the children? Three: if Esper is time travelling, where is he now?"[Future J: raising the most important questions]

"I think I have a theory of how the children are being affected. And also exactly how coming back to the past is helping Esper. As for how Esper is time travelling, I think he also has a Timelapse device."[J: deducing on the situation at hand]

Everyone was in shock about the existence of another Timelapse device.

"How is that possible?"[Cat: totally worried and anxious]

"I and my future self created both the Timelapse device and Esper. It's safe to assume Esper stole the blueprints for the Timelapse device right when it was being created."[J: with another seemingly valid point]

"Another blunder. I was too careless."[Future J: in shock]

"So, any ideas on where to get started? Do we find is Esper is here in our time, travelling back? Or decipher how he is corrupting the genes?"[Fuuta: pushing us into more confusion]

The whole room fell silent as each one of us racked our brains on how to solve the problem.

{NOTE: Every scientific concept mentioned in the episode is fictional. Any resemblance to existing methods or practices is unintentional. This work is a pure work of fiction. None of these are real.}

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